PRAYER LIST: (Names stay on the prayer list for 30 days) Eternal Rest We pray for those called home to the Lord
John Minor Mouring, Fr. Joseph Benicewicz, OFM, Conv.
We are asked to pray for the sick, especially for: Linda C. Czernikowski, John M. Czenikowski, Rose Stacharowski, Joyce Evans, Dan Dachille, Earl Yeager, Rick Dencsy, Michael Buschmann, John Rydzewski, Richard Campbell, George Waicker, Pat Bowers, Kim Krenzer, John Zacharias, Frances Martino, Marcia Tauber, Amanda Ashton, Sara Ferandellii, Deborah Dovell O’Connor, Patricia King, Nicholas Ricci, Louise Kotula, Mary E, Beyer, Walter Brzeczko, Ruth Young, Anne Baglioni-Booker, John Kisielewski, Mark Luther, Mary Nooney, Victoria Wiley, Mary Jane Wildberger, Barbara Aupperley, Felix Andreasik, Mary Catherine Haines, Maria Lapid, Frances Kneeland, Tom Kalinowski, James Friedline, Nancy Zepp, Shirley Hewitt, and Dawn Weber